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ElecFreaks ring:bit Car Kit V2

ElecFreaks ring:bit Car Kit V2

Regular price
$39.95 Inc GST
Sale price
$39.95 Inc GST
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The Ring:bit Car Version 2 is a mini DIY smart car driven by the BBC micro:bit and the ELECFREAKS Ring:bit. The Ring:bit extends the micro:bit’s 3 GPIO ports and allows for different sensors and components to be easily attached to the micro:bit.

A basic Ring:bit Car can be easily programmed to run autonomously, with a remote control, and even create rainbow beacons of light. You can also easily add one of the many extensions available and your Ring:bit Car can do even more things like line and light following, obstacle avoiding, drawing and more!

Assembly / Dis-assembly is quick and easy and no additional tools are needed, which makes the Ring:bit Car an ideal resource for the classroom or school makerspace.

The kit does not include the BBC micro:bit. Each Ring:bit Car requires a minimum of one (1) BBC micro:bit, a second micro:bot can be used to make a simple remote control for the car.

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